The information department provides a platform for international Acupuncture and Moxibustion information exchange, with am aim of enhancing international information communication by providing good acupuncture information resources, with the help of information technology. The function of this department is:
1. To propagandize WFAS’ objective and regulations, provide the latest activities of each committee and member society. 2. To establish an acupuncture information platform, provide advisory services of technology, talented person, market and related policy; Collect and reorganizing information of acupuncture industry, marketing, scientific research, education and training, laws and regulations, etc. 3. To establish a data base of famous Chinese Medicine hospitals, senior experts and ancient classics of acupuncture and moxibustion. 4. To propagandize the characteristics and advantages of Acupuncture and Moxibustion with video technology, expand the influence of China Acupuncture worldwide, and promote international exchange and the cooperation. 5. To provide an online long-distance service of acupuncture consultation, diagnosis and treatment, with the help of information technology. 6. To enhance international market cooperation of Acupuncture, creating a marketing channel with Chinese well-known Chinese Medicine enterprises, and a system of E-commerce, as well as information service of acupuncture products.
Контакты Адрес: Всемирная федерация ассоциаций акупунктуры и моксатерапии, No.16 Dongzhimennei, Nanxiaojie, Пекин, Китай
Индекс: 100700 Тел: 0086-10-64064412 086-010-64063648 Факс: 0086-10-64018354 E-mail: